弗吉尼亚海滩和纽波特纽斯大学电子系统工程技术学士学位, VA校园和在线由ABET的工程技术认证委员会(ETAC)认证, www.abet.org, 《十大正规网堵平台》和《电气/电子工程技术及类似名称的十大正规平台标准》.
ESET毕业生在多学科团队中进行设计, install, maintain, and repair systems, components, 或满足工程应用特定需求的工艺. 他们在工作场所作为工程师和技术人员之间的纽带,从电子系统的概念到实施,他们发挥着关键作用. They are involved in the development, testing, production, 元器件和/或系统(如电路板)的质量保证, wireless phones, medical equipment, and control systems.
该课程为ESET毕业生提供了在私营和公共部门的各种行业就业所需的教育和基础, including the computer industry, homeland security, automation and manufacturing, and education. 电子系统专业的毕业生可以在工程顾问等广泛的领域工作, 电气工程或计算机工程技术人员, product engineer, or project manager. Through 十大正规平台 University’s online program, you can build your classes around your busy schedule, and you can also finish much faster. Through 十大正规平台 University's year-round schedule, 您可以在网上获得电子系统工程技术理学学士学位,专注于电子系统.5 years.
Upon completion, 电子系统工程技术理学学士学位, ESET, 主修电子系统的学生可以从事各种初级职位,例如:
- Electrical/Computer Engineering Technologist
- Industrial Engineering Technologist
- Product Engineer Technologist
- Project Manager
Program Objectives
- 运用所学的技术和分析技能,因为这与他们在电气方面的专业职位有关, electronic, and related industries
- 运用相关的数学、科学和工程方法来解决技术问题
- 分析和实施复杂的系统,包括硬件和软件
- 追求终身学习和成功的职业生涯
- 通过良好的口头和书面沟通技巧,作为有效的团队成员
- 在他们的专业和道德责任方面,联系并行使一个有根据的判断
Program Outcomes
电子系统工程技术理学学士课程的学生通过模拟和数字电子学的坚实基础学习设计和集成电子系统. 他们能够运用所获得的工程和数学原理来实施和改进工程应用的系统和/或过程.
完成电子系统工程技术理学学士学位后, graduates will have the following abilities:
- An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, 和技术,以解决广泛定义的工程问题,适合该学科
- An ability to design systems, components, 或满足特定需求的过程,以满足广泛定义的工程问题,适合于该学科
- An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature
- An ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, 并对实验结果进行分析和解释,以改进工艺
- 在技术团队中作为成员或领导者有效工作的能力
Electronic Systems Engineering Technology Concentration:
- 设计和配置计算机、通信和控制系统
- Analyze typical circuits used in communication systems
Program Requirements
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
EET110 | EET110 Electric Circuits I | 3.00 |
ESET111 | ESET111 Electric Circuits II | 3.00 |
ESET111L | ESET111L Electric Circuits LAB | 1.00 |
EET310 | EET310 Circuit Analysis | 3.00 |
EET120 | EET120 Semiconductor Devices | 3.00 |
EET121 | EET121 Electronic Systems Applications | 3.00 |
EET220 | EET220 Industrial Applications | 3.00 |
EET221L | EET221L Instrumentation and Measurement LAB | 1.00 |
EET130 | EET130 Digital Systems I | 3.00 |
EET230 | EET230 Digital Systems II | 3.00 |
EET230L | EET230L Digital Systems LAB | 1.00 |
CIS150 | CIS150 Introduction to Networking | 3.00 |
CIS126 | CIS126 Introduction to Programming | 3.00 |
EET207 | EET207 Applied Engineering Programming | 3.00 |
EET231 | EET231 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers | 3.00 |
EET231L | EET231L Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers LAB | 1.00 |
EET331 | EET331 Programmable Controllers and Robotics | 3.00 |
EET331L | EET331L Programmable Controllers and Robotics LAB | 1.00 |
EET411 | EET411 Senior Project | 3.00 |
EET411L | EET411L Senior Project LAB | 1.00 |
EET390 | EET390 Motor Drives | 3.00 |
EET390L | EET390L Motor Drives LAB | 1.00 |
EET430 | EET430 Microcontrollers | 3.00 |
EET430L | EET430L Microcontrollers LAB | 1.00 |
从以下课程中选择一门课程和相应的实验:EET390 -电机驱动和EET390L -电机驱动实验室或EET430 -微控制器和EET430L -微控制器实验室
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
CAP480 | CAP480 Arts and Sciences Capstone | 3.00 |
COM115 | COM115 Principles of Communication | 3.00 |
ENG110 | ENG110 College Composition | 3.00 |
ENG120 | ENG120 Advanced Composition | 3.00 |
HUM205 | HUM205 Culture and Diversity: Exploring the Humanities | 3.00 |
MTH131 | MTH131 College Algebra | 3.00 |
MTH200 | MTH200 Pre-calculus | 3.00 |
MTH220 | MTH220 Applied Calculus I | 3.00 |
MTH320 | MTH320 Applied Calculus II | 3.00 |
PHY120 | PHY120 Physics | 3.00 |
PHY120L | PHY120L Physics LAB | 1.00 |
ECO201 | ECO201 Macroeconomics | 3.00 |
ECO202 | ECO202 Microeconomics | 3.00 |
PSY105 | PSY105 Introduction to Psychology | 3.00 |
PSY220 | PSY220 Positive Psychology | 3.00 |
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
EET320 | EET320 Semiconductor Processing | 3.00 |
EET333 | EET333 Robotics Programming & Machine Learning | 3.00 |
EET333L | EET333L Robotics Programming & Machine Learning Lab | 1.00 |
EET380 | EET380 Digital Communications I | 3.00 |
ESET280 | ESET280 Introduction to Communications Systems | 3.00 |
CIS225 | CIS225 Network Protocols and Services | 3.00 |
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
BUS102 | BUS102 Fundamentals of Customer Service | 3.00 |
BUS121 | BUS121 Introduction to Business | 3.00 |
BUS242 | BUS242 Technology Optimization | 3.00 |
BUS328 | BUS328 Business Process Improvement | 3.00 |
BUS328L | BUS328L Business Process Improvement LAB | 1.00 |
PMT472 | PMT472 Applied Project Management | 3.00 |
PMT472L | PMT472L Applied Project Management LAB | 1.00 |
EET233 | EET233 Robotics and Smart Manufacturing (SM) | 3.00 |
EET233L | EET233L Robotics and Smart Manufacturing (SM) Lab | 1.00 |
EET301 | EET301 Special Topics in Engineering Technology | 3.00 |
EET350 | EET350 Overview of Electronic Security Devices | 3.00 |
EET352 | EET352 Engineering Economics | 3.00 |
CIS106 | CIS106 Introduction to Operating Systems | 3.00 |
CIS123 | CIS123 Introduction to Python Scripting | 3.00 |
CIS126L | CIS126L Introduction to Programming Lab | 1.00 |
MET114 | 几何尺寸和公差导论(GD&T) | 3.00 |
MET213 | MET213 Advanced 3-D Modeling | 3.00 |
MET221 | MET221 Manufacturing Processes | 3.00 |
MET223 | MET223 Applied Machine Tools | 3.00 |
MET224 | MET224 CNC Machines Operation | 3.00 |
MET230L | MET230L Hydraulics & Pneumatics Systems Lab | 1.00 |
MET311 | MET311 Mechanisms | 3.00 |
MET313 | MET313 Applied Strength of Materials | 3.00 |
MET330 | MET330 Applied Fluid Mechanics | 3.00 |
MET330L | MET330L Applied Fluid Mechanics LAB | 1.00 |
EET302 | EET302 Externship-EET Sr. III | 3.00 |
EET306 | EET306 Externship-EET Sr. I-a | 1.00 |
EET307 | EET307 Externship-EET Sr. I-b | 1.00 |
EET308 | EET308 Externship-EET Sr. I-c | 1.00 |
EET309 | EET309 Externship-EET Sr. II | 2.00 |
Visit the 十大正规平台 University Catalog for the most current program information.
*有关允许的文科和理科课程的替代课程,请参阅 Arts & Sciences Department page.
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